lundi 23 novembre 2020

Pandore Magazine Goût d'ici & d'ailleurs

J'ai pris plaisir à réaliser cet éditorial pour Pandore Magazine
Gout d'ici & d'ailleurs, Recette de chef.
Notre vie nous marque souvent de manière unique dans notre profession
et ces marques déterminent comment nous vivons notre vie, quelles quêtes
nous poursuivons et ce que nous sommes capables de réaliser avec passion
à travers une histoire.
Quand on s’investit en tant que cheffe de cuisine, on donne le meilleur de soi,
afin d’acquérir après beaucoup d'années un épanouissement professionnel.

Interview A Table For Two

Antoine Abou-Samra
, we enjoy conversation about gastronomy
around the world.
His professionalism, kindness and availability are without equal.
Thank you for this moment shared around a destination Costa Rica
and the essence of a cuisine.
At each of our meetings, trip, destination,
the kitchen always makes sense and always tells a story.
Recipes linked to hikes, ballads, inspired by the discovery of ingredients,
aromas or flavour.
Thank you for your interview,
Antoine Abou-Samra
Thank you Antoine for this moment shared
around a destination Costa Rica and the essence of a cuisine.
At each of our meetings, trip, destination,
the kitchen always makes sense and always tells a story.
Recipes linked to hikes, ballads, inspired by the discovery
of ingredients, aromas or flavours.
This book could not have been made without your participation.
Thanks to you
Antoine Abou-Samra
Interview A Table For Two


s'offre a qui prend le temps de se laisser tenter ...
Car derrière un plat et un dessert il y a toujours de la surprise.

Le chocolat,

déchaine toujours nos passions.
Ingrédient plein de mystère,
il inspire toujours nos desserts.

Instant sucré !

Il y a comme un avant gout de fêtes ...
Revisitons les arcanes de la gourmandise.


Francis Albano
Georges Grunenwald
words fail me to express all my emotion
following this honorary title that you grant me.
This high distinction touches me very much and I am very honored
by the trust you have placed in me. I am happy to participate in the influence of gastronomy
here and share with you a cuisine that breathes, sings and enchants.
Quite simply my passion.
Proud to wear your colors and to be part of this flamboyant family which animates
a know-how throughout the world...
Francis Albano
Georges Grunenwald
Best of Gastronomie International.

Château de l'allée